Hey if you guys havent tried Pinterest yet.. well you seriously are missing out!
Ok.. so it took me three tries to actually like it! And you know what they say about three times the try? Haha Pinterest has given me so many good ideas about fashion, makeup, food recipies, and tons more! i deffinetly suggest trying it ;)
And that was a message from Midge
Friday, March 15, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Taylor Swift throughout the years
What "Taylor year" Would you best describe your fashion sense? Any questions? Leave me a comment about what year you are!
For me, i'd'e pick 2006 and 2011! i think her style has changed for the good!
And That Was A Message From Midge
Monday, January 28, 2013
Top five things girls hate when texting guys
Iv'e always wanted to tell guys how i feel about their texting habits but i'm not sure how... so if your reading this remember everything I say! Girls are real about these things.
Top five things girls hate when texting guys:
Top five things girls hate when texting guys:
- When guys reply with one word. I mean seriously! How are we (as women) supposed to keep up a conversation with "yep" or "haha"?
- When guys reply 20 minutes later. I mean how would you feel if we were having a one on one conversation and i left for 20 minutes and then came back like nothing happened?
- When guys don't use any smiley faces or exclamation marks. When guys do that to girls they think your mad, or not interested. So always add extra smiles and haha's!
- When guys keep saying that awkward "Yep... " "Ok" conversations. If it ever gets awkward ask questions! Girls love when guys ask random, or thoughtful questions. It makes us feel like you really want to know whats going on :P And its 10x less awkward.
- When guys keep up a conversation that should have ended 20 minutes ago. Seriously! move on my friend! If the conversation continues on its own, great! But don't continue it just to have a conversation. When all else fails go to number four ^^^
Now that iv'e gone over what we hate, i'll go over what we love!
Top five things girls love when texting guys:
- When guys send winky faces. I honestly think winky faces are adorable! It makes me laugh!
- When guys stick up for you. If a guy sticks up for you in any way just really appreciate them. They obviously care about you enough to do that, so show them kindness!
- When your crush texts you first. Whenever a guy (or a crush) sends you a text first, you know they were thinking about you ;) i mean how sweet is that!
- When a guy is sneak texting you. When a guy sneak txts you, you know he loves you cause their willing to get caught just to text you. <3 Then sneak text them so they know you do it too.
- When a guy stops playing video games to text you back. If a guy ever does that to you... MARRY HIM! He obviously cares about you more than the game (and thats a huge thing for guys) And i think thats sooo adorable.
For my best friend Daniel <3
And That Was A Message From Midge
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Summer/Winter Hair Inspiration
Summer/Winter Hair Inspiration
If you're wondering what to do with your hair this summer, or winter, here is some links, tips, and pictures to help you all figure out your summer hair styles!
As you probably know, braids are really in style right now. You've got everything from the normal, simple braid, all the way to the water fall braid. Hopefully here is some good pictures and links:
Fishtail Braid:
As you probably know, braids are really in style right now. You've got everything from the normal, simple braid, all the way to the water fall braid. Hopefully here is some good pictures and links:
Fishtail Braid:
A quick How-to video that I thought explained it fairly simply!
Loosen it up to give it a messier look!
Waterfall braid:
I have never done this braid so hopefully this works for you! It looks like a very pretty tutorial! But my tip is you learn how to french braid! :)
Curl your hair after you've done the braid.
Other braids:
- English Braid (just your simple, everyday braid!!)
- French Braid
- Dutch Braid
- Rope Braid (I personally like this one cuz its fast)
For those who live in the horrible, sticky heat, I suggest buns! They're cute and out of the way for a fresh, cool look.
The Messy Bun
As you can see in the picture, the hair is slopily tied up in a loose bun on top of the head. Most of the time, people tease their hair to make it have more volume, and then top off the look with a cute headband or head scarf.
The Ballerina Bun
Click this link for awesome tips and how-tos for ballerina buns! I love it!
Beach Hair
Beach hair is practically anything from wringlets to buns to pony tails. The most popular version of Beah Hair though, is (of course) beach waves. There are soo many ways to do this... like putting your hair in a bun over night, or a braid over night. But this is my favorite:
Beach waves
I don't think most people need a video tutorial for this. So, here are some tips and the way I make my hair have beachy-looking waves
- Dry your hair completely with a blow dryer, giving it some fullness
- Take a spray bottle with water in it, and just slightly dampen your hair all the way through
- Take some mousse and rub it through your hair
- Scrunch your hair
- As you scrunch, you can add some hair spray, so it will keep the beachy look
Okay everyone, hope this helped you. Comment if you have any questions or suggestions!
And That Was A Message From Midge
Kool-Aid Hair Dye
Kool-Aid Hair Dye
How to dye your hair with Kool-aid? Yeah that’s right. The best thing about it is that it’s not permanent! Lasts for about two weeks. All you need is two or more packets of your color choice, a small bowl or two (depending on how many colors you're planning on doing), water, and some of your everyday conditioner! This is super simple. BUT let me just say that this works very well with blondes. Sort of hard to do on dark hair. Try bleaching it if you have dark hair (I know bleaching isn't quite non-permanent, I'm sorry all you dark brunettes :(....)
What you'll need:
- good-sized paint brush (for streaks of color)
- 2 or more packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid (more if you're doing many streaks or your whole hair)
- small bowls for each color
- conditioner
- plastic wrap and/or tin foil (plastic wrap is more comfy to sleep on. I know from experience...)
- disposable plastic gloves
- This stains pretty much everything from clothing to skin to white counter tops. put down some newspaper!
- The dryer and more brittle hair will keep in the color the longest
- Sometimes, the red Kool-Aid can be permanent (from what I’ve heard online)
- Can last longer than two weeks (as did mine)
STEP ONE: (If you are dying your whole head, I suggest about five packets, although you might need more or less considering whether or not you have long or short hair. For a streak, I’d say two or three packets would be just perfect!) Put the powder into a smallish bowl.
STEP FOUR: If you're doing a streak, take a piece of hair, paint your Kool-Aid paste onto the strand. Be VERY careful not to get it on any other hair that you don't want colored (if this happens, wash your hair immediately). To dye your whole head, massage the color into your hair (be careful of getting it on your skin because this STAINS)
Enjoy your newly Kool-aid dyed hair :) Tell me how it works out! Here's a color chart for Kool-Aid:
The Wonders of Clear Nail Polish
The Wonders of Clear Nail Polish
Clear nail polish isn't JUST for nails anymore! I've done some research and I came up with some interesting and helpful information. Not only can you make your nails have a pretty and glossy sheen, but you can make jewelry last longer, protect the ends of your shoe laces, and make the tops of your keys sparkly!
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Sally Hansen Insta-Dri FAST DRY NAIL COLOR |
•Make almost anything glittery: A while ago, I saw a tutorial on how to make the top of a key sparkly! I loved the idea. Paint glue on the key, add glitter, and then paint with a few coats of nail polish. Just like that! Think of all the possibilities.... glittery phone and iPod cases, glittery homemade jewelry, switch plates, rims of eye glasses, headbands and so much more!
•Prevent unraveling shoelaces: Did the end of the of lace into the polish and let it dry! It’s waterproof and very resistant.
•Repairs: If you really want a screw or nail to stay, add a dab of nail polish before you put it in... That always works! Works well when you're fixing glasses screws as well. Also, if you have a small, minor chip in your wood flooring, then you can paint over it to avoid water or any fluids from seeping in. If you have a rip in a window shade or screen, paint on some polish to stop it from getting any bigger. If you have a crack in your windshield and are worried it might starts getting bigger, put nail polish over the crack until you can go get it fixed.
•Sealing envelopes: I'm pretty sure most people hate the taste of sealing an envelope. Instead, put a few dabs of polish to keep it glued!
There are actually even more things that clear nail polish can do like threading string through small needles, securing buttons, and avoiding rust stains. Hope everyone has fun using these tips!
And That Was A Message From Midge
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