Top five things girls hate when texting guys:
- When guys reply with one word. I mean seriously! How are we (as women) supposed to keep up a conversation with "yep" or "haha"?
- When guys reply 20 minutes later. I mean how would you feel if we were having a one on one conversation and i left for 20 minutes and then came back like nothing happened?
- When guys don't use any smiley faces or exclamation marks. When guys do that to girls they think your mad, or not interested. So always add extra smiles and haha's!
- When guys keep saying that awkward "Yep... " "Ok" conversations. If it ever gets awkward ask questions! Girls love when guys ask random, or thoughtful questions. It makes us feel like you really want to know whats going on :P And its 10x less awkward.
- When guys keep up a conversation that should have ended 20 minutes ago. Seriously! move on my friend! If the conversation continues on its own, great! But don't continue it just to have a conversation. When all else fails go to number four ^^^
Now that iv'e gone over what we hate, i'll go over what we love!
Top five things girls love when texting guys:
- When guys send winky faces. I honestly think winky faces are adorable! It makes me laugh!
- When guys stick up for you. If a guy sticks up for you in any way just really appreciate them. They obviously care about you enough to do that, so show them kindness!
- When your crush texts you first. Whenever a guy (or a crush) sends you a text first, you know they were thinking about you ;) i mean how sweet is that!
- When a guy is sneak texting you. When a guy sneak txts you, you know he loves you cause their willing to get caught just to text you. <3 Then sneak text them so they know you do it too.
- When a guy stops playing video games to text you back. If a guy ever does that to you... MARRY HIM! He obviously cares about you more than the game (and thats a huge thing for guys) And i think thats sooo adorable.
For my best friend Daniel <3
And That Was A Message From Midge